Chelsea’s committement to traditional education remains unwavering. During her tenure on the school board the following things were accomplished:
Drafted a Divisive Content Resolution, which passed
Drafted a Sexually Explicit Materials Resolution
Selected literacy curriculum
Serves as a board member for ATI at UMW
Continues to fight for CTE education
Withdrew from a lobbying agency
Changed School Board meeting time to 7:00 p.m. for greater accessibility
Ensured all meetings were recorded and had streaming capabilities
Ensured parents made medical decisions about masking (or lack thereof) in schools
Removed sexually explicit materials from school libraries
Ensured parents had access to entire student record
Libraries now have a searchable function for all books
Parents now have capability to opt-in to library book notifications
Airconditioning and tracking system on all school buses
SRO’s at every school
Security vestibules at every school
Enhanced communication from schools to parents
Withdrew membership from a lobbying agency
Formed a legislative committee with most legislative representatives from our district participating
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© 2022 Chelsea Quintern